Saturday, March 10, 2012

Roundabout by Yes FIRST EVER Full Band FC # 683

Roundabout by Yes FIRST EVER Full Band FC # 683 Video Clips. Duration : 9.17 Mins.

YES, FIRST EVER MUTHAFUCKIN FBFC. This song was lawls hard only because for some reason Harmonix didn't want us to get it so they kept throwing Lag Spikes at us. We could of been had it but Harmonix likes to mess with the PS3 branch of ERG like alot. I'm talking Lag Spikes, XMBs, you name it they probably did it lol. Kudos to PS3 for getting this epic FBFC. We will have more epic videos coming up. - The KiBitzer Guitar - The White Guy Bass - The Costa Rican (All Special and Shit lol) Pro Drums - The Other White Guy Harmonies - The Asian Guy

Keywords: Expert, Guitar, Bass, Vocals, Drums, Vox, ERG, eliterhythmgaming, Elite, Rhythm, Gaming, PS3, Rock, Band, RB, 100%, Roundabout, by, Yes, Full, FC, 683, First, Ever, yt:stretch=16:9

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