Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World - Valley of Bowser 4

Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World - Valley of Bowser 4 Video Clips. Duration : 1.80 Mins.

You'll see Chargin' Chucks dig and throw stones. Platform over lava sink just by landing on them. Go through the green pipe and you'll be on slippery grounds. Spike Tops and fish are in the area. Get the first dragon coin over the water. Exit with the pipe ahead and pass the green pipe to reveal a vine from the block. The ? block has Yoshi. Spin jump to break the blocks and the next block has a Green Mushroom. Get the 2nd dragon coin that's below the block. On the hill where a Chargin' Chuck is, bounce off the enemy and get the 3rd dragon coin. Reach the checkpoint and you'll see more Chargin' Chucks throwing rocks. The 4th dragon coin is by the gap over lava. By a spring on blue blocks, the last dragon coin is there. After passing a few enemies and going off platforms, you'll make it to the goal. Available in true HD (1080p). Please rate and comment. If you have a video from Super Mario World (GBA version) of challenging Valley of Bowser 4, please post it as a video response to this video. Please subscribe.

Keywords: SMA2, SMW, Super, Mario, World, Advance, Valley, of, Bowser, #4

Sunday, February 26, 2012

What's Inside Your Personal Trainer's Fridge?

Have you ever wondered what your instructor has in their fridge? I have! After all, they are just human, surely? They appear super-human: being able to work long hours in the gym, always able to lift heavy things, finding good, full of energy, happy, healthy, dealing with our constant emotions & helping us find our incommunicable potential; the list goes on. assuredly they have a secret, right?

So what gives? How can they do it all? Simple. Good Nutrition. By fueling your body with not only what it wants & what needs, you are ensuring the body is provided with an essential furnish of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats & carbohydrates. After all, a balanced diet leads to a balanced lifestyle.

Throwing Spikes

Recently I took benefit of having a peek in my trainers fridge and I believe it's something that is worthy of sharing. I mean, we are all challenging aren't we? So, what did I find? And, for those of you that don't want to read between the lines, what didn't I find?!

What's Inside Your Personal Trainer's Fridge?

2 Pc. 5.5^ Throwing Knives w/ Wrist Sheath Best

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2 Pc. 5.5^ Throwing Knives w/ Wrist Sheath Feature

  • 5.5'' 2 piece throwing knives with wrist sheath

2 Pc. 5.5^ Throwing Knives w/ Wrist Sheath Overview

Well Balanced And Easy To Manage. These Knives Are Constructed Of 440 Stainless Steel And Are Sharp. 2 Pc Set Includes A Nylon Wrist Sheath.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 27, 2012 03:31:10

Here's what I found


This isn't a surprise. Lamb, beef, chicken etc. There was meat. Of course, meat is a great source of protein & as our bodies are permanently using up proteins to build and grow, it is imperative that we continually replace it. So, if you are going to do it, you may as well do it properly. Protein from an animal source is commonly a faultless protein, meaning it contains the essential amino acids that the body needs. Furthermore, if you consume good capability organic grass fed meats, you're also going to get a nice clean source of saturated fat. Yes, that's right - these are the good fats, the ones that furnish the body with slow burning and longer persisting energy, leaving us feeling full for longer with no nasty insulin spike.

Here's some food for thought! What you eat for breakfast sets up your neurotransmitter production for the day. By eating a astonishing breakfast of protein & fats (like meat & nuts or meat & avocado) you're setting yourself up for a astonishing day, not only with neurotransmitter function, but it also gets the body started on its natural daily detoxification process, sets up your metabolism & leaves you feeling full and satisfied for longer.


Again other great source of protein & astonishing for those days when you just don't feel like eating meat. What makes fish even good is it's omega-3 content. The brain comprises of over 60% fat, and of that more than half is Dha (docosahexaenoic acid) omega-3 fatty acid. This explains why omega-3 has been given the name brain food & why a insufficiency in omega-3 can lead to conditions such as anxiety, depression and even Alzheimer's disease. Not only does challenging fish high in omega-3 make you feel better, it can also make you look better! Yep, omega-3 has the capacity to growth your insulin sensitivity. This means your body will be less prone to creating insulin after a meal & you will store less fat.

A word of warning with fish; Make sensible choices, unfortunately there is the dark side of mercury content. Mercury build up in your body can undo all the good work by slowing down your thyroid, and subsequently your metabolism. The best choices (with the bottom mercury content) when you feel a bit fishy are things like ocean trout, sardines, snapper, salmon and whiting. Try to avoid tuna, flake and barramundi.

Sauerkraut & Kefir

Your gut flora is responsible for all sorts of things ranging from construction immunity, aiding in the fermentation and absorption of carbohydrates & metabolic functions like synthesizing vitamins & metabolizing carcinogens. Fermented foods such as sauerkraut (vegetables) & kefir (a probiotic cultured milk drink) comprise bacteria in the form of microorganisms. The beneficial enzymes & bacteria found in fermented foods are going to sustain the body to effectively dispell what you are eating, development it easier for the body to assimilate amino acids, easy sugars and fatty acids for the body to use more easily.


Again, a great way to get your protein & your fats! Eggs are a astonishing protein source containing all essential amino acids, whilst the yolk gives you your source of good fats, as well as being a extremely bio-available source of lutein & zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids, potent antioxidants that will sustain in minimizing free radical damage & together they are great for your eyesight!

Now, before you have a 'Rocky' moment & down your eggs raw, a point you may want to think - the absorption of the protein from the egg white by the body is significantly increased when the egg white is cooked. Why? Prior to cooking, the raw egg white contains avidin (a glycoprotein), which binds to the biotin in the yolk, preventing your capability to dispell it. By cooking your egg, the heat process changes the structure of the avidin, development the protein more absorbable.

Another quick point about eggs; They need to come from a reputable source. It pays to buy your eggs from a farmers market, where you can ask what the hens have been fed. You want hens that aren't feeding on grains. Intuit being, is that grains comprise a significantly high estimate of linoleic acid (omega-6) & subsequently the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the egg is going to be out of whack! If you're challenging lots of eggs, and aren't taking a good supplement for adequate omega-3, you may be increasing your risk of insulin resistance or heart disease.

Green Vegetables

Dark green leafy vegetables are great for so many reasons. Firstly they are a great source of iron, folate, calcium, fiber & omega-3. Secondly, they possess vitamins along with vitamins A, E & K, which are fat-soluble vitamins, meaning they need fat to be absorbed properly by the body. Fat-soluble vitamins are essential for the growth and maintenance of many areas of the body along with eyes and skin as well as the digestive system. It is in fact these fat-soluble vitamins that are responsible for protein synthesis in the body, without protein synthesis, the body is unable to breakdown & use the protein you consume.

Green vegetables are also a necessity for regulating the body's natural pH balance. Over consumption of processed & sugary foods as well as diets high in protein can shift the body into what is called acidosis, where the body is in an acidic state. Fat cells are used by the body to store toxic acid waste created due to this condition, however by ensuring the body maintains a balanced pH, the body has no need to store the waste & no need to originate new fat cells for storage!

Raw Cream/Organic Butter

Dairy is a touchy branch & often gets pushed aside when you are trying to eat healthily, and rightly so! Most of the dairy products you are buying from your supermarket have been pasteurized & homogenized, rendering their nutritional content to roughly zero! However, when you turn to things like organic raw cream & butter you find a great source of saturated fat & still loaded with high levels of calcium, protein, vitamin D and vitamin A! The short chain fatty acids contained in cream & butter are great for creating an optimal metabolism, and remember what was said before about the fat-soluble vitamins in green veggies? The butyric acid content will sustain in nutrient absorption when challenging green veggies.


Everyone knows that berries are a great source of antioxidants, meaning they are going to sustain in reducing the damage caused by free radicals, also development them a great anti-inflammatory tool. Berries also have a lower glycemic load, meaning you aren't going to get that nasty insulin spike like you would when eating a banana. On top of all of this, berries are convenient - throw them in your freezer & grab some to put in a smoothie whenever you are on the go and need some flavour!


They are packed with essential vitamins & nutrients, with just one smoothie alone often providing more good nutritional content than the midpoint man would eat in a month. At a glance, Cacao alone is a great source of phytonutrients along with aminos, protein, omega-3, calcium, zinc, sulphur, copper, potassium, beta-carotene, chromium and magnesium. Whilst Maca is packed with assorted phyto nutrients and alkaloids gift that help balance the devotee glands, assisting to normalise our hormonal function. Having balanced hormones is essential to optimal health.


Nuts are a great snack especially when you are on the go they can ward off the dreaded hunger binge where you end up eating something you probably shouldn't. Not only are they convenient, but the fats in your nutty snack are assisting to allege your blood sugar levels at a stable. Furthermore, nuts are one of the best sources of plant protein as well as being rich in phytonutrients & antioxidants such as Vitamin E & selenium, not to mention high in fiber.

Protein Powder

Although most of the protein you are challenging should come from your food, there is still a time and a place for protein supplements. For example, after a training session at the gym, you assuredly should be aiming to get a post-work out meal into your law within 30 minutes of training. It's not always potential to sit down to a nice piece of steak, some almonds and green vegetables; especially if you have to race to work. A nice clean Organic Whey Protein separate is excellent for those after training moments! By challenging organic whey, you aren't challenging any nasty chemicals or pesticides; it's high in antioxidants, has no fillers and will help to boost your immune system.

Coconut Oil

The benefits of coconut oil are endless. Just fast though, Coconut oil is great for maintaining cholesterol levels in the body, boosting your metabolism, increasing your immune law and development you a fat burning machine.

Now for the cupboard

Ok, so it's not a new revelation - "In an ideal world we wouldn't need to take supplements", however this is 2011 & we are faced with soils depleted of mineral content, foods that have traveled for 100's of km's to reach us & have been destroyed by chemicals and pesticides, subsequently lost their nutritional value, stress, environmental toxins & the list goes on. With our bodies in a constant state of 'I need to detoxify this stuff', it's even more imperative that we give it what it assuredly needs.

Zinc - Zinc stimulates the operation of over 100 enzymes, it also plays a vital role in protein synthesis & helps to regulate production of cells creating healthy immune law function. Furthermore, Zinc is thought about a foundation mineral - meaning other minerals in the body are able to work good when zinc is present.

Magnesium - With magnesium being responsible for over 300 metabolic processes that occur within the body along with things like muscle function & relaxation, energy production, digestion, bone formation & density and the functioning of the heart, kidneys, adrenals, brain and nervous system. A magnesium supplement is beneficial in allowing the body and muscles to relax, to allow for productive recovery from rehearsal and stress.

Fulvic Acid - Fulvic acid is not assuredly an acid-nor is it a mineral. It is, rather, a complicated mixture that can attract and hold both negatively and assuredly charged ions. As such, it can bond and hold ionized minerals-such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc-incorporating them into its own molecular structure allowing them to be good absorbed and utalised by the body.

What is even good is Fulvic's capability to complicated and take off toxic heavy metals and other pollutants from the body by altering them into usable compounds or eliminating them as waste. It detoxifies pollutants, along with herbicides, radioactive elements and toxic metals, by binding to these substances and flushing them out of the body.

Megahydrate - Megahydrate promotes hydrogen within the body, and at a cellular level it raises the alkalinity of the extracellular fluid of the body's cells allowing them to fight off free radical damage & stay hydrated. When the body's cells are not properly hydrated, they are unable to assimilate nutrients & take off waste. Consumption of Megahydrate keeps cells hydrated & wards off signs of aging.

Colostrum - Colostrum has quite perhaps just about all in it that the body needs, after all it's the first milk produced by cows while & after birth of their calves. The milk substance produced over the introductory few days after birth possesses a extra immunological mixture development its nutrient profile far excellent to that of normal milk, essential for growth and development. What sets Colostrum apart from other protein supplements containing amino acids, are its fine growth factors & protein peptides, along with insulin like growth factor (IgF1 & IgF2), immunoglobulins (mainly IgG) and a range of di, tri and macro peptides; all of which are needed to stimulate hormone improvement and promote growth. These factors are what boost immune function within the digestive tract whilst helping allege balance with good bacteria in the gut.

Vitamin D3 - Firstly, D3 is assuredly a hormone and not a vitamin & low levels of D3 can lead to bone density issues, poor immunity, muscle wasting and diabetes just to name a few things. Taking Vitamin D3 supplement is going to sustain firstly in immune function, as well as ensuring strong healthy bones, it's going to sustain in blood sugar regulation and insulin resistance & if there was any occasion at all that you could be depressed, vitamin D3 will have you smiling again!

Things I didn't find

  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Processed & Packaged Foods
  • Refined Sugars
  • A Microwave - Ok, so this technically isn't in the fridge, nor is it consumable. However, I belief it was foremost to again stress the importance about how microwaving your food is just down right Bad for your health.

What's Inside Your Personal Trainer's Fridge?Viking vs. Samurai : Thrand's Aftermath 1/3 Tube. Duration : 7.88 Mins.

Thrand and his assistant Eldgrimr, demonstrate how inaccurate the Viking vs. Samurai episode of Deadliest Warrior on Spike TV was, and how historically accurate the information is that Thrand and Agonios posted on the Viking vs. Samurai blog. In this video Thrand and Tommy display a wide range of Viking skills that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a Viking is superior, provided he is properly armed and adept, when facing a Samurai opponent in single combat. Skill sets addressed in this video include, sword and shield style fighting style versus katana, naginata, and kanabo, javelin charge against a Samurai archer, javelin and throwing axe techniques, various sword and axe cuts, Danish great axe maneuvers versus the naginata, spear catching, and others that prove a Viking was a martial artist. Watch, learn from us, laugh with us, and above all else please leave comments, rate us, and send Spike TV's Deadliest Warrior an email asking for a rematch of Viking vs. Samurai. send your complaints about the Viking versus Samurai episode to deadliestwarrior@spiketv.com

Keywords: Thrand, long, Sword, Shield, spear, javelin, throwing, axe, Danish, great, samurai, viking, kanabo, katana, naginata, spike, tv, deadliest, warrior, fighting, tetsubo, vs., Target, cutting, Spiketv, martial, arts, sax, warriors, swords, combat sports, Combat, extreme

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Great Price Mizuno for

Mizuno Men's 9-Spike Classic Low G4 Cleat,Black,13 M Best

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Mizuno Men's 9-Spike Classic Low G4 Cleat,Black,13 M Feature

  • Mizuno's patented 9-Spike Technology for maximum lateral stability and traction
  • Mizuno Wave for stability and cushioning
  • Proflex for outsole flexibility that moves naturally with your foot
  • VS-1 foam cushioning from toe to heel for shock absorption
  • Full grain leather upper for a comfortable fit and feel

Mizuno Men's 9-Spike Classic Low G4 Cleat,Black,13 M Overview

Take your game to the next level in the G4 from Mizuno. This full leather low cleat offers durability, performance, and fatigue-busting comfort, even after extra innings. Its patented 9-Spike technology increases balance, stability, and traction, while a highly specialized midsole disperses friction and increases cushioning and responsiveness. Proflex construction provides for increased flexibility that mirrors your natural movements, while VS-1 foam cushioning tames impact shock.

This men's Mizuno 9-Spike Classic Low G4 baseball cleat showcases Mizuno Wave which disperses impact forces, providing exceptional cushioning. Proflex promotes a controlled flex for all three primary baseball movements: running, batting, and throwing, while the 9 Spike technology enhances lateral stability and traction.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 24, 2012 09:03:44

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How to Pack For a Cruise - A dissimilar Approach!

There are countless ways that you could pack for your special cruise vacation. One that's favored by men is: Wait until the last minute, throw some things together, and whatever you forget you either don't need or you can buy. (I personally subscribe to this thinking!) However, if you truly want a principles for getting things together for your cruise, try this idea for how to pack for a cruise.

First of all, break your cruise vacation into parts or activities to make planning your packing easier. An example for a Caribbean cruise may be:

Throwing Spikes

1. Travel to the cruise port.

How to Pack For a Cruise - A dissimilar Approach!

Mizuno Men's 9-Spike Classic Low G4 Cleat,Black,13 M Best

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Mizuno Men's 9-Spike Classic Low G4 Cleat,Black,13 M Feature

  • Mizuno's patented 9-Spike Technology for maximum lateral stability and traction
  • Mizuno Wave for stability and cushioning
  • Proflex for outsole flexibility that moves naturally with your foot
  • VS-1 foam cushioning from toe to heel for shock absorption
  • Full grain leather upper for a comfortable fit and feel

Mizuno Men's 9-Spike Classic Low G4 Cleat,Black,13 M Overview

Take your game to the next level in the G4 from Mizuno. This full leather low cleat offers durability, performance, and fatigue-busting comfort, even after extra innings. Its patented 9-Spike technology increases balance, stability, and traction, while a highly specialized midsole disperses friction and increases cushioning and responsiveness. Proflex construction provides for increased flexibility that mirrors your natural movements, while VS-1 foam cushioning tames impact shock.

This men's Mizuno 9-Spike Classic Low G4 baseball cleat showcases Mizuno Wave which disperses impact forces, providing exceptional cushioning. Proflex promotes a controlled flex for all three primary baseball movements: running, batting, and throwing, while the 9 Spike technology enhances lateral stability and traction.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 23, 2012 02:12:55

2. Embarkation day.

3. Morning exercise

4. Afternoon sunbathing and pool

5. Evening dining and entertainment

6. Shore excursions

7. Formal night

8. Disembarkation and tour home

Let's break these down into the items required for packing for your cruise

1. How to pack for your tour to the cruise port

Whether you are driving or flying to the cruise port, there are a few items you should have. First and important - keep all medications with you as carry-ons. Even if you will not need them until the next day, it's important that you have them with you. Remember, "Stuff Happens". Luggage has been known to go astray and it could be days before you see it again. With long waits at the airport, you may wish to have some reading materials or other activities to help the time pass. Make sure that you identify what you can and can't carry on to an airplane. No nail files or other sharp objects etc. These can be settled in your checked luggage. Make sure that you have your transfer voucher from the airport to the ship with you as well so you won't be scrambling to find them at the last minute. Also have your cruise tickets facilely available. You wouldn't want to have to tear apart your luggage in the cruise terminal to find your tickets.

2. How to pack for Embarkation

Again, all meds should be carried on - not in checked luggage. Make sure that you have a change of clothes with you as carry-ons. This may seem strange. Cruise passengers may not receive their luggage until late in the day of embarkation. Your checked luggage is delivered right to your stateroom. With as many as three thousand passengers all having one or two bags, that's a lot of luggage to deliver! ( On one cruise, we went on board nearby 1:00 and didn't receive the last of our luggage until about 7:00 that evening.) So, if you have left a cold climate to arrive at the airport and then directly to the cruise ship, you may want to put on some lighter clothing when you get on board.

3. How to pack for morning exercise

Only you can recommend what you might like here. maybe work-out shoes and clothing, weight lifting gloves, etc. The trick here is to make it light. If you are a walker or jogger, you may wish to have some cool clothing for the track on deck. Some cruise ships have athletic activities like basketball, volleyball and golf. Some consideration for these activities is recommended as well.

4. How to pack for the cruise afternoons on board ship

Sunbathing is one of the main activities in the sun on board cruise ships. Ample deck chairs are ready on discrete decks and nearby the pools. You will want your bathing suits and cover-ups or other tanning attire. Suntan lotion is a must - the last thing you want is a painful sunburn to hamper your fun-in-the-sun cruise! A sun hat is advisable as well. A normal requirement for your cruise vacation is a concentrate of pairs of comfortable shoes. You will do a good deal of walking while on board ship so you won't want to be breaking in any fancy new shoes here! There are some special activities ready on some cruise ships - ice skating, rock climbing etc. Check out your specific cruise ship to see if there are activities that you would like to plan for. For the most part, cruising attire is casual while the day. That means Comfortable! After all, you are on vacation!

5. How to pack for evening dining and entertainment

Evenings on board ship have an climate of casual elegance. Dress casual should be the attire of choice. The main dining rooms on board most cruise ships exude elegance after dark (or at dusk depending on your seating time). Scrumptious culinary fare will tempt you at every seating so add comfortable to the dress casual. You will be thankful for clothing that is not too tight. (You can work off the fat when you get home!) Many cruise ships offer astounding evening entertainment. Las Vegas-style shows, Broadway-style skits, karaoke, piano bars, discos, and dancing will all add to your cruise ship experience. And of procedure the Casinos! Excitement on the high seas! Keep these activities all in mind when planning your packing list.

6. How to pack for shore excursions

Shore excursions are sometimes forgotten about when planning your packing list. This could be tragic. Forgetting the camera and missing the once in a lifetime shot of swimming with the dolphins. What about the binoculars if you are going to be sightseeing from high places or along the coast? Good walking shoes are a must here as well because many shore excursions will contain some or a lot of walking. Think shopping. What would you need to be wearing if you are going power-shopping for a few hours? Shore time also means beach time. Many excursions offer snorkeling, sailing, kayaking, para-sailing and many other types of water activities. Make sure you plan for these on your packing list.

7. How to pack for Formal Night

I know guys - the dreaded Formal Night! The agony and the ecstasy. Agony for men and ecstasy for women! Formal nights on the cruise ship truly are elegant. Ladies in long flowing gowns and men in their best tuxedos. All right, not all are dressed-to-the-nines like that. However, jackets and ties for men are the norm. Dresses and pantsuits are base for the ladies. Ladies, keep in mind that you are on a absorbing ship so be just about high and spike heels. If you choose casual dining on formal nights, there are casual dining alternates for you.

8. How to pack for disembarkation and tour home

Your cruise is over and you have been called to disembark the ship. Some will be ready to leave and get to work for a rest while others will be reluctant to leave. Again, it's always wise to keep your medications with you. And don't forget to put all sharp items is checked luggage so there is no hassle at the airport. Short of that, it's a matter of throwing everything into the bags and zipping them up.

That's it for another astounding cruise vacation. And in case you wanted to know... I don't do unpacking tips! There are obviously other ways to plan for your cruise trip packing and there are numerous other items that you may wish to have with you. The key is to have a plan and work straight through that plan step by step. Seem like a lot of work? Not at all! Planning for your cruise vacation is as absorbing and pleasurable (almost) as the cruise itself. If nothing else, planning and packing for a cruise gets you definitely in the mood!

If you'd like more facts and tips on packing for a cruise, cruise wear and cruises, check out our Cruise Articles map. If you're finding for a special cruise deal, check out the merchant links on our Discount Cruises main pages. Your exquisite cruise vacation may be more affordable than you think! research your special cruise, check out the special cruise pricing ready here, and book your cruise on-line. Then all that's left to do is to get excited!

How to Pack For a Cruise - A dissimilar Approach!Red vs. Blue - Worst Throw ever.. Tube. Duration : 0.40 Mins.

One of my favourite RvB moments. Caboose tries throwing a Spike grenade

Tags: Red, vs, Blue, Rvb, Caboose, Reconstruction

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Volleyball Rules for Contacting the Ball

Knowing the rules for playing the ball can make a big discrepancy to your team's success.

It can be a very frustrating touch having your players constantly called for mishandling the ball. Coaching can be stressful enough without having to also worry about the officiating.

Throwing Spikes

There are essentially two dissimilar types of ball handling playing faults - double contacts and lifts. Completely comprehension these volleyball rules for playing the ball can make a huge impact on a volleyball team's success.

Volleyball Rules for Contacting the Ball

Dart 3 Piece Spike Set Black Best

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 22, 2012 01:42:25

Double Contacts

Double contacts by a player are legal on a team's first contact. For example, when an opponent spikes the ball, the player playing defense can make a double touch in attempt to dig the ball. This double touch can be made as long as the touch is made in a particular attempt to make the play. A potential scenario for a player making a legal dig would be if the ball bounced off the player's forearms then shoulder. As long as this play was made in one playing motion, this double touch is legal on the first team hit. an additional one way a player could make a dig is with an overhead setting petition with their hands. It is legal to double touch with the fingers on the first team contact.

It is also legal to touch the ball multiple times when blocking. These contacts aren't team hits. A block is defined as a player near the net, reaching higher than the top of the net, then deflecting the ball coming from the opponent. When blocking, the ball can be contacted multiple times in succession. These contacts during blocking aren't counted as contacts and the team still has the 3 team hits to return the ball back to the opponent.

Double contacts are illegal on the team's second or third team contacts. Since there are dissimilar volleyball rules for how you play the ball on the first hit compared to the second and third, it can often appear ball handling is being called inconsistent by the referee. For example, it is legal to double touch the ball using a setting petition on the first team contact, but illegal on the second and third team contacts. It may appear the calls are inconsistent because they aren't being called for the double touch on the set on the first team contact.

Lift, Held Ball, or continued Contact

Lifting, catching, or throwing the ball is illegal on any contact.

It is leading to note that bad technique isn't illegal. For example, there is no fault for bad form or an ugly finding play. If it's not a double touch (on the 2nd or 3rd team hit) or a continued touch (ball coming to rest on a player), then the play is legal no matter how unorthodox or unusually the technique looks. There are only two potential calls for an illegal play, double touch or lift, that's it.

Knowing the discrepancy in the middle of a lift and a double touch is important. Since double contacts are legal on the first team hit, the touch must be a continued touch for it to be illegal no matter how ugly the play on the ball.

Some volleyball organizations allow for the ball to be slightly lifted or pushed when making a defensive play. This is when a player is digging a hard driven ball.

Also, players can have continued touch with the ball when in a joust. A joust doesn't count as a team contact. A joust is a block. When two opposing players are contacting the ball as the same time, they are blockers, not attackers, so continued touch during a joust is legal.

Volleyball Rules for Contacting the BallMega Man 6 - Knight Man (Alternate Path) Video Clips. Duration : 3.78 Mins.

Revisit this stage and it will become a different color or shiny. Descend and you'll see a big worm. Destroy a cracked box with the Rush Power and get an extra life. Descend gain and you'll see a shell case shooting balls. Once the head appears, shoot it. Go ahead and you'll see drill dozers. A ceiling of spikes goes up and down so get good timing to advance. Pass the area and you'll see a ninja cannon. Once it's bumper rises, attack it. Go up a ladder and you'll see a spider skull on moving floors. Go up another ladder and you'll see moving circles over a pit of spikes. Go up another ladder and you'll cross the road seeing shell cases followed by another pit of spikes. Go up another ladder and a mailbox will give you a random item. Go up another ladder and you'll see graduate walkers. If you shoot them, their cap will fall off making them mad and charging at you. Use the Rush Jet to reach an E-can. Descend and you'll see a falling bulb. Descend again and you'll cross an area with bouncers on the ground and in the ceiling. Watch for rocket movers. Cross the area and use the Rush Power to break a cracked box to go the alternate path. Descend and you'll see one more rocket mover and a cracked box stuck to the ceiling. Jump over the pit of spikes and go through the cap doors. You'll next challenge Knight Man. Knight Man attacks by throwing a spiked ball. Attacks will bounce away just by hitting the shield. Using the Yamato Spear causes more damage and even pierces through ...

Keywords: Mega, Man, #6, Knight, Alternate, Path

Monday, February 20, 2012

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time pt5 (of9)

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time pt5 (of9) Tube. Duration : 8.73 Mins.

The story of the first game in the PS2 Prince of Persia trilogy. All of the cutscenes along with the Prince's storytelling and inner thoughts. There is also extra information from the manual, random thoughts from myself and general information (stolen from TV Tropes) about various time travel ideas that may have relevance to the series. 4:08 Farah caught out, Prince reacting to it like a ten year old. Great expression on Farah's face though. 4:56 + 5:56 Back to the bickering. 7:25 Had a bit of trouble when making this vid, as soon as the Prince came out of this Vortex I got a game over screen. "WTF yes retry" same again, next attempt I discovered Farah trying to reach me by climbing straight into the spike pit, 3 frames of her climbing in and hanging off the ledge straight to her dead body slumped halfway down a giant spike through the stomach. So much for great AI Lets hope she doesn't make a habit of throwing herself to her doom. 7:50 Farah's poem. Of what use is reason against the power of love? Love is life, so if you want to live, die in love. Die in love ,if you want to stay alive. I could not find a fuller version so I assume it was made for the game. At any rate The Prince still just does not get it. Ontological Paradox - The kind of paradox that occurs in a Stable Time Loop if you're not very careful about what you're doing. This one is a bit more tricky, as there are several variations: 1) The Object Loop: When an object from the future is sent into the past ...

Tags: Prince, of, Persia, Sands, Time, Travel, dagger, hourglass, medallion, ps2, Ubisoft, Montréal, Farah, Vizier, Azad, pop, Jordan, Mechner

Friday, February 17, 2012

Great Price for

Art of Shuriken Jutsu: The Samurai Skill of Throwing Stars & Spikes Best

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 17, 2012 20:22:14

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Epic throwing knife kill

Epic throwing knife kill Video Clips. Duration : 0.52 Mins.

My brother makes an epic knife kill on MW2.

Keywords: Epic, Throwing, Knife, Kill, MW2

Monday, February 13, 2012

7 beneficial Tips on How to Get Pregnant Fast

If you and your partner have decided to start a family, you can take some steps to increase your chances on getting pregnant. Your first goal before you implement any formula on how to get pregnant fast is to get as salutary as you can be. Then, increase your odds by following these tips on getting pregnant fast.

Stop Taking Birth operate

Throwing Spikes

You already know that you need to stop taking birth operate before you begin trying to get pregnant. What you may not know is that you can be fertile the first month after you stop hormonal birth control. There is no need to let the hormones get out of your system, so if you are not quite ready to conceive, either continue taking birth operate or custom someone else contraceptive method.

7 beneficial Tips on How to Get Pregnant Fast

Dart 3 Piece Spike Set Black Best

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Get Healthy

Start taking folic acid now, because this vitamin is very important for a developing baby, even before you know you are pregnant. Stop drinking or smoking before you start any gravidity methods. Stop drinking caffeine as well. These actions can harm your baby, even before it has implanted. They can even increase your chances for miscarriage. Also, focus on getting to a salutary weight now, as being overweight can make it more difficult to conceive.

Learn Your Cycle

Take the time to learn your body, as you need to have sex when you are ovulating. Charting your basal body temperature is one of the most tried techniques on how to get pregnant fast. You will know you are ovulating when you see a small spike in your basal body temperature, and this is the time to try to conceive.

Enjoy Yourself

The more aroused you when being intimate with your partner, and the less stressed you feel, the more likely it is that you will be flourishing in getting pregnant. Stress can keep ovulation from occurring, and it can also throw off your cycles. This can make it more difficult to predict ovulation.

Consider allowable Positions

Some believe that the position used while intimacy can increase the likelihood of a determined gravidity test. The missionary position seems to put the sperm closest to the cervix, making the journey towards gravidity easier. There is no scientific studies proving this fact, but it cannot hurt your chances on how to get pregnant fast!

Talk to Your Partner

Your partner's actions can really lower his sperm count, making it harder to get pregnant fast. Boxers are better than briefs for sperm count. Also, have your hubby put his laptop on a table, not his lap, as the heat from the computer can damage sperm.

Make the Trip Easier

The vaginal area is not very cordial to sperm, which is part of what makes it so difficult for some couples to conceive. You can increase your chances on getting pregnant fast by making the vaginal environment more receptive to sperm. Vaginal sprays, douches, and scented tampons can make it more difficult to get pregnant fast by making the environment more hostile to sperm. Also, avoid artificial lubricants when trying to conceive. If you need a lubricant, talk to your physician about an option that will not damage sperm.

Remember few couples get pregnant the first time they try. Use these tips for getting pregnant fast to increase your odds, but try to relax. Most couples are flourishing in the first six months after they thy to conceive, so your odds of success are pretty high!

7 beneficial Tips on How to Get Pregnant FastBo-Shuriken Throwing Tutorial Tube. Duration : 1.37 Mins.

In this video I'm throwing using the no/quarter spin method. Sorry about the bad audio. You can just copy my hand position for how to hold the bo-shuriken, then figure out what works for you when you throw. Included are my regular 9" bo-shuriken, as well as my 6" needle shuriken.

Tags: bo, shuriken, bo-shuriken, throw, ninja, weapon, throwing, tutorial, needle, hari, jiki-daho

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Check Out Hidden Spikes Kubotan Keychain

Hidden Spikes Kubotan Keychain Best

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Dangers of Group B Streptococcus Vaginal Infection

You have probably heard a lot about bacterial infections and viruses that can cause vaginal infections in some women. These infections can have irritating symptoms and can do damage to your reproductive organs if left untreated. But there is one type of infection that can do damage to more than just you. Group strep infections can affect the health of your unborn baby. So let's learn a minute more about strep infections of the vagina.

The most common type of strep infection that is found in the vagina is group B streptococcus, or Gbs for short. This is a bacteria that is normally found in the vagina and lower intestine of wholesome women. But when you become pregnant, this type of bacteria can pose a threat to your gravidity and unborn child.

Throwing Spikes

It is leading to point out that Gbs is not a sexually transmitted disease. A lot of women will have no symptoms at all and may be unaware that they carry this bacteria. So how do you know if you have it? When you are pregnant, your physician can do a swab of your vagina and rectum between your 35th and 37th weeks of pregnancy. If the swab is done before this, the amount of Gbs will not be indispensable adequate to show positive. The swab is then sent to a lab where it is cultured. Test results will be known in roughly 24 to 48 hours.

The Dangers of Group B Streptococcus Vaginal Infection

Art of Shuriken Jutsu: The Samural Skill of Throwing Stars and Spikes Best

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Testing safe bet for Gbs is not the end of the world. It simply means that you are a carrier of Gbs and you could pass it on to your baby. Not every baby that has a mum who tests safe bet for Gbs will become sick. However, you may be labeled a high-risk pregnancy. The complications that can arise from having Gbs are preterm labor before 37 weeks and early rupture of membranes 18 hours or more before delivery. You may spike a fever during labor or you may be more susceptible to urinary tract infections. A urinary tract infection can throw a pregnant woman into preterm labor if not treated right away.

If you test positive, your physician will give you antibiotics straight through an intravenous line during your labor and delivery to help protect your baby. This will greatly decrease the chances of your baby becoming ill from the Gbs infection.

So if you are pregnant and diagnosed safe bet for group B streptococcus, hang in there. With the allowable rehabilitation you and your baby can enjoy a wholesome and happy life together.

The Dangers of Group B Streptococcus Vaginal InfectionCAP KNIVES MY TOMAHAWK Tube. Duration : 1.85 Mins.

This is the latest of several hawks that i own . It was hand forged by me from an old railroad spike . I differentially hardened the head the bit and the spike are hard and the body was left soft to tak the impact from throwing . I hand carved the handle from an old piece of poplar dowl that i had around . Still learning to throw so i was pracitcing before i shot this vid got lucky on my first throw . Enjoy . :-)

Tags: P1000367

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cool Halo 3 Gernade trick

Cool Halo 3 Gernade trick Tube. Duration : 3.02 Mins.

This serves no real purpose, and to my knowledge this won't really help you in any real halo game. However basically whats happening here is I am putting a bubble shield over a man cannon (and grav lift later) and throwing a gernade, plasma, frag and spike into the man cannon. The bubble shield is catching the gernades and causing them to make a cool sound and rotate/shoot violently withing about a foot of range between the man cannon and bubble shield. This works for frag plasmas and spikes. I did not try firebomb in the video because I have been unable to get them to work like this. You will also see I attempted this with gravlifts however it did not work. I did try this in maps such as construct on those massive ones and it did work. So I'm not too sure why this has turned out like it did. Really I think its hit and miss for various grav lifts over the various maps. When you throw multiple gernades into the man cannon like you see in the video if they connect there is about 3 seconds before they blow up.

Tags: Halo, gernade, man, cannon, glitch, grav, lift, frag, plasma, spike

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Check Out Ninja Road Stars - Tire Puncturing Security Devices (12-Pack) for $54.99

Ninja Road Stars - Tire Puncturing Security Devices (12-Pack) Best

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Ninja Road Stars - Tire Puncturing Security Devices (12-Pack) Feature

  • 12 Total Ninja Star Callatrops
  • Constructed From Heavy Gauge 5/16" Hardened Round Steel
  • Each Unit has Four 2" Long Spikes
  • Industrial Grade Welds (Made in the USA)

Ninja Road Stars - Tire Puncturing Security Devices (12-Pack) Overview

Road Stars are devices designed for use in securing private property and law enforcement applications in which an immediate vehicle-disabling roadblock is required. Don't let their compact size, portability, and field-expediency deceive you- nearly any vehicle's tire driving over a Road Star will experience a rapid tire blow-out. Constructed from heavy gauge 5/16" hardened round steel with Class Four tip, industrial grade welds, and .3" razor edge, each has four 2" long spikes. Based on the design of the ancient caltrop, no matter how one is thrown on the ground, one spike will always land straight up. Road Stars can be deployed to create instant roadblocks, stop a pursuing vehicle, prevent parked vehicles from fleeing, protect private property, etc. Use only with extreme caution and discretion in a legal and appropriate manner; you are responsible for each usage and its consequences. For private property protection, use only with proper warning signage as specified in the instructions, warnings, and sample signage supplied with the product.

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