Sunday, February 26, 2012

What's Inside Your Personal Trainer's Fridge?

Have you ever wondered what your instructor has in their fridge? I have! After all, they are just human, surely? They appear super-human: being able to work long hours in the gym, always able to lift heavy things, finding good, full of energy, happy, healthy, dealing with our constant emotions & helping us find our incommunicable potential; the list goes on. assuredly they have a secret, right?

So what gives? How can they do it all? Simple. Good Nutrition. By fueling your body with not only what it wants & what needs, you are ensuring the body is provided with an essential furnish of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats & carbohydrates. After all, a balanced diet leads to a balanced lifestyle.

Throwing Spikes

Recently I took benefit of having a peek in my trainers fridge and I believe it's something that is worthy of sharing. I mean, we are all challenging aren't we? So, what did I find? And, for those of you that don't want to read between the lines, what didn't I find?!

What's Inside Your Personal Trainer's Fridge?

2 Pc. 5.5^ Throwing Knives w/ Wrist Sheath Best

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2 Pc. 5.5^ Throwing Knives w/ Wrist Sheath Feature

  • 5.5'' 2 piece throwing knives with wrist sheath

2 Pc. 5.5^ Throwing Knives w/ Wrist Sheath Overview

Well Balanced And Easy To Manage. These Knives Are Constructed Of 440 Stainless Steel And Are Sharp. 2 Pc Set Includes A Nylon Wrist Sheath.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 27, 2012 03:31:10

Here's what I found


This isn't a surprise. Lamb, beef, chicken etc. There was meat. Of course, meat is a great source of protein & as our bodies are permanently using up proteins to build and grow, it is imperative that we continually replace it. So, if you are going to do it, you may as well do it properly. Protein from an animal source is commonly a faultless protein, meaning it contains the essential amino acids that the body needs. Furthermore, if you consume good capability organic grass fed meats, you're also going to get a nice clean source of saturated fat. Yes, that's right - these are the good fats, the ones that furnish the body with slow burning and longer persisting energy, leaving us feeling full for longer with no nasty insulin spike.

Here's some food for thought! What you eat for breakfast sets up your neurotransmitter production for the day. By eating a astonishing breakfast of protein & fats (like meat & nuts or meat & avocado) you're setting yourself up for a astonishing day, not only with neurotransmitter function, but it also gets the body started on its natural daily detoxification process, sets up your metabolism & leaves you feeling full and satisfied for longer.


Again other great source of protein & astonishing for those days when you just don't feel like eating meat. What makes fish even good is it's omega-3 content. The brain comprises of over 60% fat, and of that more than half is Dha (docosahexaenoic acid) omega-3 fatty acid. This explains why omega-3 has been given the name brain food & why a insufficiency in omega-3 can lead to conditions such as anxiety, depression and even Alzheimer's disease. Not only does challenging fish high in omega-3 make you feel better, it can also make you look better! Yep, omega-3 has the capacity to growth your insulin sensitivity. This means your body will be less prone to creating insulin after a meal & you will store less fat.

A word of warning with fish; Make sensible choices, unfortunately there is the dark side of mercury content. Mercury build up in your body can undo all the good work by slowing down your thyroid, and subsequently your metabolism. The best choices (with the bottom mercury content) when you feel a bit fishy are things like ocean trout, sardines, snapper, salmon and whiting. Try to avoid tuna, flake and barramundi.

Sauerkraut & Kefir

Your gut flora is responsible for all sorts of things ranging from construction immunity, aiding in the fermentation and absorption of carbohydrates & metabolic functions like synthesizing vitamins & metabolizing carcinogens. Fermented foods such as sauerkraut (vegetables) & kefir (a probiotic cultured milk drink) comprise bacteria in the form of microorganisms. The beneficial enzymes & bacteria found in fermented foods are going to sustain the body to effectively dispell what you are eating, development it easier for the body to assimilate amino acids, easy sugars and fatty acids for the body to use more easily.


Again, a great way to get your protein & your fats! Eggs are a astonishing protein source containing all essential amino acids, whilst the yolk gives you your source of good fats, as well as being a extremely bio-available source of lutein & zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids, potent antioxidants that will sustain in minimizing free radical damage & together they are great for your eyesight!

Now, before you have a 'Rocky' moment & down your eggs raw, a point you may want to think - the absorption of the protein from the egg white by the body is significantly increased when the egg white is cooked. Why? Prior to cooking, the raw egg white contains avidin (a glycoprotein), which binds to the biotin in the yolk, preventing your capability to dispell it. By cooking your egg, the heat process changes the structure of the avidin, development the protein more absorbable.

Another quick point about eggs; They need to come from a reputable source. It pays to buy your eggs from a farmers market, where you can ask what the hens have been fed. You want hens that aren't feeding on grains. Intuit being, is that grains comprise a significantly high estimate of linoleic acid (omega-6) & subsequently the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the egg is going to be out of whack! If you're challenging lots of eggs, and aren't taking a good supplement for adequate omega-3, you may be increasing your risk of insulin resistance or heart disease.

Green Vegetables

Dark green leafy vegetables are great for so many reasons. Firstly they are a great source of iron, folate, calcium, fiber & omega-3. Secondly, they possess vitamins along with vitamins A, E & K, which are fat-soluble vitamins, meaning they need fat to be absorbed properly by the body. Fat-soluble vitamins are essential for the growth and maintenance of many areas of the body along with eyes and skin as well as the digestive system. It is in fact these fat-soluble vitamins that are responsible for protein synthesis in the body, without protein synthesis, the body is unable to breakdown & use the protein you consume.

Green vegetables are also a necessity for regulating the body's natural pH balance. Over consumption of processed & sugary foods as well as diets high in protein can shift the body into what is called acidosis, where the body is in an acidic state. Fat cells are used by the body to store toxic acid waste created due to this condition, however by ensuring the body maintains a balanced pH, the body has no need to store the waste & no need to originate new fat cells for storage!

Raw Cream/Organic Butter

Dairy is a touchy branch & often gets pushed aside when you are trying to eat healthily, and rightly so! Most of the dairy products you are buying from your supermarket have been pasteurized & homogenized, rendering their nutritional content to roughly zero! However, when you turn to things like organic raw cream & butter you find a great source of saturated fat & still loaded with high levels of calcium, protein, vitamin D and vitamin A! The short chain fatty acids contained in cream & butter are great for creating an optimal metabolism, and remember what was said before about the fat-soluble vitamins in green veggies? The butyric acid content will sustain in nutrient absorption when challenging green veggies.


Everyone knows that berries are a great source of antioxidants, meaning they are going to sustain in reducing the damage caused by free radicals, also development them a great anti-inflammatory tool. Berries also have a lower glycemic load, meaning you aren't going to get that nasty insulin spike like you would when eating a banana. On top of all of this, berries are convenient - throw them in your freezer & grab some to put in a smoothie whenever you are on the go and need some flavour!


They are packed with essential vitamins & nutrients, with just one smoothie alone often providing more good nutritional content than the midpoint man would eat in a month. At a glance, Cacao alone is a great source of phytonutrients along with aminos, protein, omega-3, calcium, zinc, sulphur, copper, potassium, beta-carotene, chromium and magnesium. Whilst Maca is packed with assorted phyto nutrients and alkaloids gift that help balance the devotee glands, assisting to normalise our hormonal function. Having balanced hormones is essential to optimal health.


Nuts are a great snack especially when you are on the go they can ward off the dreaded hunger binge where you end up eating something you probably shouldn't. Not only are they convenient, but the fats in your nutty snack are assisting to allege your blood sugar levels at a stable. Furthermore, nuts are one of the best sources of plant protein as well as being rich in phytonutrients & antioxidants such as Vitamin E & selenium, not to mention high in fiber.

Protein Powder

Although most of the protein you are challenging should come from your food, there is still a time and a place for protein supplements. For example, after a training session at the gym, you assuredly should be aiming to get a post-work out meal into your law within 30 minutes of training. It's not always potential to sit down to a nice piece of steak, some almonds and green vegetables; especially if you have to race to work. A nice clean Organic Whey Protein separate is excellent for those after training moments! By challenging organic whey, you aren't challenging any nasty chemicals or pesticides; it's high in antioxidants, has no fillers and will help to boost your immune system.

Coconut Oil

The benefits of coconut oil are endless. Just fast though, Coconut oil is great for maintaining cholesterol levels in the body, boosting your metabolism, increasing your immune law and development you a fat burning machine.

Now for the cupboard

Ok, so it's not a new revelation - "In an ideal world we wouldn't need to take supplements", however this is 2011 & we are faced with soils depleted of mineral content, foods that have traveled for 100's of km's to reach us & have been destroyed by chemicals and pesticides, subsequently lost their nutritional value, stress, environmental toxins & the list goes on. With our bodies in a constant state of 'I need to detoxify this stuff', it's even more imperative that we give it what it assuredly needs.

Zinc - Zinc stimulates the operation of over 100 enzymes, it also plays a vital role in protein synthesis & helps to regulate production of cells creating healthy immune law function. Furthermore, Zinc is thought about a foundation mineral - meaning other minerals in the body are able to work good when zinc is present.

Magnesium - With magnesium being responsible for over 300 metabolic processes that occur within the body along with things like muscle function & relaxation, energy production, digestion, bone formation & density and the functioning of the heart, kidneys, adrenals, brain and nervous system. A magnesium supplement is beneficial in allowing the body and muscles to relax, to allow for productive recovery from rehearsal and stress.

Fulvic Acid - Fulvic acid is not assuredly an acid-nor is it a mineral. It is, rather, a complicated mixture that can attract and hold both negatively and assuredly charged ions. As such, it can bond and hold ionized minerals-such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc-incorporating them into its own molecular structure allowing them to be good absorbed and utalised by the body.

What is even good is Fulvic's capability to complicated and take off toxic heavy metals and other pollutants from the body by altering them into usable compounds or eliminating them as waste. It detoxifies pollutants, along with herbicides, radioactive elements and toxic metals, by binding to these substances and flushing them out of the body.

Megahydrate - Megahydrate promotes hydrogen within the body, and at a cellular level it raises the alkalinity of the extracellular fluid of the body's cells allowing them to fight off free radical damage & stay hydrated. When the body's cells are not properly hydrated, they are unable to assimilate nutrients & take off waste. Consumption of Megahydrate keeps cells hydrated & wards off signs of aging.

Colostrum - Colostrum has quite perhaps just about all in it that the body needs, after all it's the first milk produced by cows while & after birth of their calves. The milk substance produced over the introductory few days after birth possesses a extra immunological mixture development its nutrient profile far excellent to that of normal milk, essential for growth and development. What sets Colostrum apart from other protein supplements containing amino acids, are its fine growth factors & protein peptides, along with insulin like growth factor (IgF1 & IgF2), immunoglobulins (mainly IgG) and a range of di, tri and macro peptides; all of which are needed to stimulate hormone improvement and promote growth. These factors are what boost immune function within the digestive tract whilst helping allege balance with good bacteria in the gut.

Vitamin D3 - Firstly, D3 is assuredly a hormone and not a vitamin & low levels of D3 can lead to bone density issues, poor immunity, muscle wasting and diabetes just to name a few things. Taking Vitamin D3 supplement is going to sustain firstly in immune function, as well as ensuring strong healthy bones, it's going to sustain in blood sugar regulation and insulin resistance & if there was any occasion at all that you could be depressed, vitamin D3 will have you smiling again!

Things I didn't find

  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Processed & Packaged Foods
  • Refined Sugars
  • A Microwave - Ok, so this technically isn't in the fridge, nor is it consumable. However, I belief it was foremost to again stress the importance about how microwaving your food is just down right Bad for your health.

What's Inside Your Personal Trainer's Fridge?Viking vs. Samurai : Thrand's Aftermath 1/3 Tube. Duration : 7.88 Mins.

Thrand and his assistant Eldgrimr, demonstrate how inaccurate the Viking vs. Samurai episode of Deadliest Warrior on Spike TV was, and how historically accurate the information is that Thrand and Agonios posted on the Viking vs. Samurai blog. In this video Thrand and Tommy display a wide range of Viking skills that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a Viking is superior, provided he is properly armed and adept, when facing a Samurai opponent in single combat. Skill sets addressed in this video include, sword and shield style fighting style versus katana, naginata, and kanabo, javelin charge against a Samurai archer, javelin and throwing axe techniques, various sword and axe cuts, Danish great axe maneuvers versus the naginata, spear catching, and others that prove a Viking was a martial artist. Watch, learn from us, laugh with us, and above all else please leave comments, rate us, and send Spike TV's Deadliest Warrior an email asking for a rematch of Viking vs. Samurai. send your complaints about the Viking versus Samurai episode to

Keywords: Thrand, long, Sword, Shield, spear, javelin, throwing, axe, Danish, great, samurai, viking, kanabo, katana, naginata, spike, tv, deadliest, warrior, fighting, tetsubo, vs., Target, cutting, Spiketv, martial, arts, sax, warriors, swords, combat sports, Combat, extreme

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